Photo by Edu Lauton via Unsplash
Our world is evolving. When there is so much change, it is easy to settle into what we already know and burrow ourselves deeper inside of our comfort zone. But how can we grow when we are staying rooted in place?
Comfort Zone = Routine
Moving beyond our comfort zone does not need to be a massive life-changing decision. It can be as simple as walking a new trail or reading a book genre we may not usually pick up. The goal is to decide that today will be DIFFERENT. Something that is outside of our typical routine.
Because that same routine every single day can drag us into a rut. When that happens, we find ourselves lacking motivation and imagination. This is writer’s block, no matter what creativity we are working with.
The Impact of New Things
The way we view things can spark an idea. From inventing to painting to writing something into existence. These are all new. They are all a risk. And they could all fail.
But they can also lead to more:
innovation, creativity, inspiration.
We can't always make something “new” but we can challenge what's already there. For example, fairytales are being re-written and modified — becoming something unique — and they challenge us to see beyond the notion of “happily ever after”. Even Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet has been re-told and re-imagined for decades.
These versions take on a new perspective — an approach no one else thought to try. So why did they do this?
Because they’re thinking outside-of-the-box.
Learning To Grow
At the end of the day, our comfort zones are just that — a comfort. They do not aid us when it comes to self-improvement, inspiration, and skill development. The best way to grow is to open ourselves up to new experiences. To see the threshold of our comfort zone and stride beyond it. Even a baby step can make a difference.
If you don't leave your comfort zone, you are already behind.