monday motivation

9 New Year’s Resolutions For Writers

9 New Year’s Resolutions For Writers

New year, new me? It’s that time again—time to come up with that New Year’s resolution! As writers, we are always open to the idea of improvement and broadening our minds to creativity for the sake of a story. Now that it’s 2019, here are 9 New Year’s Resolutions to consider:

Lit to Stick: 3 Tips for Landing an Agent

Lit to Stick: 3 Tips for Landing an Agent

Guest Post featuring author and literary agent Caroline George.

Like visual art, writing carries a subjective quality. One reader may adore the book. Another may give the story a thumbs down. Since literary agents are readers, they also view writing through a subjective lens. Each agent determines a submission’s worth based on their personal rubric—platform, plot, genre, writing style, etc. Check out Caroline George’s tips on how you can appeal to literary agents.