What's a TBR Pile?

What's a TBR Pile?

What’s a TBR pile … and do you already have one?

TBR stands for to be read, referring to the number of books someone wants to read. If you're an avid reader like me, then your TBR pile is practically reaching the moon by now. Every time you make a dent in it, you find shinier, new books to collect. Is there a method to the madness?

Why Do Authors Practice Writing Books?

Why Do Authors Practice Writing Books?

How does an author discover their writing style? Well, it may sound like something that's innate but it's certainly not that simple. Finding a writing style that's best for you takes a lot of work and a few tries before some authors get it right. Like anything in life, authors have to practice, practice, practice! 

6 Tips For Writing Short Stories and Novellas

6 Tips For Writing Short Stories and Novellas

Are you interested in writing a short story or novella? In publishing my contemporary YA short story with Evernight Teen’s KISSED anthology, I learned a few things along the way. Follow these tips and tricks to produce your best quality work, so it’s ready for publication!

Writing a Book: How To Get Started

Writing a Book: How To Get Started

It seems daunting, right? The prospect of writing a WHOLE book. If you stop looking at the story’s end and focus on individual steps, writing a book becomes manageable. This breakdown helps you get started with writing your first book through outlines, editing, and just plain writing.

Lit to Stick: 3 Tips for Landing an Agent

Lit to Stick: 3 Tips for Landing an Agent

Guest Post featuring author and literary agent Caroline George.

Like visual art, writing carries a subjective quality. One reader may adore the book. Another may give the story a thumbs down. Since literary agents are readers, they also view writing through a subjective lens. Each agent determines a submission’s worth based on their personal rubric—platform, plot, genre, writing style, etc. Check out Caroline George’s tips on how you can appeal to literary agents.

How To Become a Published Author: 3 Approaches to Publishing

How To Become a Published Author: 3 Approaches to Publishing

Ready to publish your first book? Research and determine what kind of author you want to be. With three publishing avenues to pursue, each one can take you in a different direction. You must decide which way works best for you depending on your writing aspirations.

5 Tips For Editing Your First Book

5 Tips For Editing Your First Book

So, you just typed “THE END” and your story is ready to be published, right? WRONG. You have hours of editing ahead of you so sit tight, grab another coffee, and get ready to dig in.

How To Write Teen Fiction

How To Write Teen Fiction

A question I get asked often is: “How do you write teen fiction?”

The answer is simple. I am passionate about reading, especially reading YA fiction. And as a writer, I am a firm believer that you cannot write a genre you’re not already reading yourself.