We’ve all had it happen to us. One moment we are thriving on imagination, running on creative fuel, and our fingertips rush to keep up with our story. Next, we are struggling to formulate a fitting sentence, unable to find that deep-rooted connection that gives our story life and makes us feel like we’re one with our characters. So, how do we fight this? How do we rediscover our imagination and defeat writer’s block?
Can A Messy #NaNoWriMo Project Be A Success?
#AmWriting Everywhere: Writing With A Busy Lifestyle
With NaNoWriMo under way, I figured a post about writing everywhere might be helpful! As authors, both aspiring and published, we often have a drive to write … all the time. But it’s hard to find time when we’re balancing a current paying job with a social life and our down time to relax! How can we do it all?
Why You Shouldn't Book Shame Readers
Why You Should Write Book Reviews
From Idea to Paper: Telling vs. Showing
An idea forms, and you’re madly trying to write it down before it dwindles and fades and you forget you even had this magical concept in your grasp. But HOW do you show what you see in your head? HOW can you articulate those scenes and characters, if they’re all in your imagination? In this post, I aim to help you bring your awesome idea to life!